So here itechhacks, even the name of our blog is itechhacks so we’re sharing all about life tech hacks.we want to share with you 25+ of our favorite tech life hacks. You might have heard of some of them, especially when it comes to keyboard shortcuts and handy online tools and websites, but it doesn’t hurt to know more of let’s take a deep look over these best tech hacks of 2016
#1. Download YouTube videos
You can download any YouTube video just by typing “ss” before the “youtube” part of a video’s URL link in your address bar. or you can go with our full guide on ‘YouTube Video Downloading Tutorials‘ Here’s an example for Justin Bieber’s Sorry music video: Original – Download – Not only can you choose from different file types but also any resolution up to the original quality. Just remember downloading copyrighted content from the internet is illegal.
#2. About PowerPoint
If you save your Powerpoint presentation in .PPS instead of .PPT, your file goes into slideshow mode when you open it.
#3. Download audio from YouTube videos
Download audio from any YouTube video too. Just put “listento” before the “youtube” part of a video’s URL link in your address bar. Here’s an example: Original – Download – You can even choose from different file types. Just remember downloading copyrighted content from the internet is illegal.
#4. Find ‘nearby‘ Wikipedia pages
Ever want to know more about your neighborhood? Wikipedia has a Nearby tool that surfaces a host of different pages about places and things nearby you. Just go to this site, give your permission for it to access your location, then you’ll see a list of Wikipedia articles based on where you are located. India.
#5. Search YouTube without going to YouTube
Searching YouTube has never been easier than it is with this trick: when using the Google Chrome browser, you can type into your address bar, then hit tab, and search YouTube directly from your address bar. Gone are the days of actually going to YouTube to find something.
#6. Make a font from your handwriting
This one is for the font junkies out there… A website called can convert your own handwriting into a typeface you can download to your computer and universally use. There are actually several different ways to convert your handwriting into font, but we think this one is among the easiest.
#7. Shortcut for pausing a YouTube video
We think little tricks are fun, too. For instance, when you press ‘K’ while watching a video on YouTube, it will pause or play the video. How neat is that? And it works regardless of where you clicked last on the page.
#8. How To Remotely log out of Facebook
Privacy tips are always worth a mention, especially when it comes to Facebook, considering everyone and their mother uses the social network. Have you ever checked Facebook on a strange device and then realised you forgot to log out? Never fear – you can log out still, remotely. Go to the “settings” drop-down menu on your Facebook, then select “security”, and navigate to “when you’re logged in”. From there, you can see all open sessions and and close any of them.
#9. Take a selfie with your Apple headphones
Your Apple headphones double as a iPhone camera remote. To take a picture using your headphones, aim your phone, and then push the + button on the your Apple earbuds remote while the camera app is open. You can also use the play/pause button in the middle of the remote to start/stop recording video when in video mode
#10. Use emoji on desktops
If you thought emoji were limited to mobile devices, think again. You can use them on desktop, too.For Mac: Press control+command+spacebar to get the emoji menu. For PC: Windows 7 users can paste emoji from, while Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 users can select Touch Keyboard, and then the smiley face on the bottom left
#11. Watch blocked Netflix movies
Netflix’s streaming service blocks you from accessing content limited to certain countries and regions, but a free browser extension called Hola allows you to visit websites that are otherwise blocked in your country. Netflix subscribers can therefore use Hola to increase the catalogue they have access to on the web.
#12. Quickly re-open a closed tab
If you just accidently closed out of an important tab in your browser, you can easily re-open it by pressing command+shift+t on a Mac or control+shift+t on Windows PC.
#13. Find direct download links to music
To find a direct download link for music, search “[album or song name] -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp3|wma|aac|flac)”. It tells Google to show webpages that offer direct download links to the music you’re trying to find. Here’s an example for the album Straight Outta Compton: Google search this phrase: straight outta compton -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mkv|mp4|avi) This is what Google will surface. Click one of the top links, such as this one, to get direct download links for the songs in the album. Just remember downloading copyrighted content from the internet is illegal.
#14. Find direct download links to movies
To find a direct download link to a movie, search “[movie name] -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mkv|mp4|avi)”. It tells Google to show webpages that offer direct download links to the movie you’re trying to find. Here’s an example for A Clockwork Orange: Google search this phrase: A Clockwork Orange -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mkv|mp4|avi) This is what Google will surface. Click one of the top links, such as this one, to get direct download links for the movie. Must Try For Movies Downloading: *. Top 15+ Free Websites To Download Latest Bollywood HD Movies in 2016 *. How To Download Using Torrent Movies & Any Files
#15. Play Games without internet?
When your internet connection goes out and the Google Chrome browser gives you an error page, press the spacebar to start a T-Rex game. At least you won’t be bored while you wait to get online again.
#16. Google can help you study
Whenever you need to study for an important exam in college or high school, just google “site:edu [subject] exam”, and then you’ll get links to tonnes of sample exams with solutions and everything. Here’s an example: Google search this exact phrase: site:edu python exam This is what Google will surface. Click one of the top links, such as this one, to see a practice test.
#17. Convert Wiki pages into books
You can render any Wikipedia page electronically in PDF, ZIM or OpenDocument format, or ordered as a printed book. This page shows you how to create a book from Wikipedia articles in four steps.
#18. Use Siri to return a device to its owner
We’ve all seen dropped iPhones on the street or in a store. But did you know there is an easy way to discover who owns it? If you find a locked iPhone and Siri is still enabled, just ask Siri: “Who do you belong to?” You’ll then see the owner’s name and contact information. Now go be a good samaritan.
#20. Convert YouTube videos to GIFs
Want to convert any YouTube video into a GIF? Just add “gif” before “youtube” in the URL link in your address bar. Here’s an example: Original video – GIF download –
#21. Easily close any online account
It’s sometimes super annoying to close online accounts, as services will bury the option under settings and help menus. Well, say hello to a website called It gives step-by-step guides on how to delete online accounts from popular websites.
#22. Find the perfect username
Want to check whether a username is taken or available on popular sites? Just use It even checks domain names.
#23. Browse safely by checking sites first
Before visiting a suspicious site, Google “safebrowsing: [website name]”, and then select the link to this site to see a 90-day history of malware attempts on the site. Here’s an example: Google search this exact phrase: safebrowsing: Pocket-lint Google will then surface these results. Click the one for Google’s Safe Browsing tool, and you should see this.
#24. Watch age-restricted YouTube videos without logging in
There is a way to watch any age-restricted YouTube video without signing into your account. Just add “nsfw” before “youtube” in the URL link in your address bar. Here’s an example: Original video: Non-restricted version:
#25. Reveal your password – Tech Hacks
When visiting a login page of any website, you can view masked passwords with a simple hack. Just right-click the password box, and then select “Inspect Element” to bring up the developer console. Find the line that starts with “input type=password“, then change the word “password” to “text”, and you will see your password.
#26. Turn your browser into a notepad
Need to write down something quickly? You can open a notepad in your browser. Just type “data:text/html, ” into the address bar. Unfortunately, remembering what to enter probably takes just as much time as it would to open a note-taking app. But it’s still a fun hack. So that’s it on the first section of tech hacks. These are pretty awesome life hacks and this will always helps you to sort your problem whenever you stuck online. Stay connected with itechhacks and don’t forget to share these Best life Tech Hacks of 2016.