Depending on what you use your Mac for the most will depend on what sort of apps you should be downloading to improve your user experience. You may find that your workflow and productivity can be improved dramatically after downloading some of the best apps that the apple store has to offer. You can also add apps to your Mac that will make your device more secure and protected.

1. Google Drive

Google Drive is an essential app that you should have downloaded on to all your devices to make your workload much easier to get through. Google Drive allows you to store documents and files in the cloud so that you can get work done no matter where you are. While Apple’s iCloud drive is provided automatically with your MacBook, if you are more of a cross-platform user and use devices with both Windows and Apple operating system then an app like Google Drive or Dropbox is likely to be more useful for your needs.

1 1. Google Drive2 2. Hidden App3 3. Paprika 34 4. Amphetamine

2. Hidden App

The hidden app is essential for your Mac as it protects your device and data should you have your Mac stolen. Hidden makes a MacBook tracking app so you can find the GPS location of your device when it isn’t in your possession. It will also take secret screenshots of whoever is using your Mac so that you know who is responsible if your device has been stolen.

3. Paprika 3

If you are a fan of cooking and want to make your time in the kitchen quicker and easier then Paprika 3 is the app for you. It is a super-powered recipe app that allows you to integrate all your recipes into one place. No longer will you have scraps of paper or note-taking apps full of recipes and grocery lists hanging around. Using this app, you can import recipes from different platforms, and create weekly meal plans on your calendar, as well as create grocery lists in your Reminders feature (which will appear on all your Apple devices). This means you can plan your food on your Mac but refer to your grocery list on your Apple phone when in the supermarket.

4. Amphetamine

If you spend a lot of time on your Mac, then you might find that you are always running out of battery and are continually having to adjust the energy-saving setting on your device. However, by installing the app Amphetamine, at the click of a button, your Mac will stay in the energy-saving setting indefinitely, or for the duration of the time, you have set it for. It can also be set up so that if your Mac runs out of power while you are working on something, then it never shuts down when connected to a specific network. This means that your Mac storage drives won’t shut down and your work won’t be lost. Investing in a Mac is a great way to improve both your work productivity and your overall daily efficiency, but adding some useful apps is a great way to boost how useful your Mac is.

How To Create Subtitles For Your Own Movies or VideoHow To Login Snapchat On Your Computer (Windows/MAC) 4 Apps for Macs You Should Try - 49