While it’s a good thing to save money, they are equally exposing themselves to many threats. Cybersecurity experts have warned of how free VPN services pose a significant risk to data privacy and security on many accounts. Providers of such services are notorious for making money off their users by dubious means. But first, is there such a thing as a free VPN in the first place?
Why Free VPN Are Not Free At All
With many people growing increasingly skeptical about their privacy on the internet, VPNs’ demand is continually soaring. As the VPN market adjusts to meet this increasing demand, thousands of free VPNs promising to secure their users’ online interactions at no extra cost have equally mushroomed. From the surface, they look like the best deals — too good to be true. The truth is that VPN services can never be free. Why? A free VPN supposedly grants its users access to a VPN server network and the necessary software without charging a coin. The irony is that VPNs are costly and sophisticated software that need a great deal of investment:
They come with hefty monthly hosting charges. The service provider must have also incurred app development costs. They must be paying for support and maintenance to keep up with the fast-changing dynamics of internet privacy.
Providers of ‘Free VPN’ services must cover these costs and turn a profit in most cases. It’s impossible to have so many free VPNs given the high recurring expenses of running a VPN service. Well, unless the providers have their secret ways of making money through these ventures. Here is the thing — they employ hidden tools and tactics to generate revenue from their consumers. Besides being dangerous and dishonest, these tricks go against the basic principles of VPNs.
How Free VPNs Are Exploiting Users For Easy Cash
In this age of information, every enterprise is relying on data to outdo their competitions. Some organizations will go as far as illegally buying this information. Free VPN service providers are exploiting this situation to cash from their user bases. They secretly collect data from unsuspecting users and then sell it to the highest bidder, usually on the dark web.
Can Free VPN Services Work For Android Phones?
To say that free VPNs cannot work for Android phones will be misleading. Actually, some very many people entirely depend on free VPN services to safeguard their phones. But, at what cost? Here are a few reasons why free VPN services could spoil their users’ entire internet experiences: Some providers take advantage of the fact that most consumers don’t read the sign-up agreement terms. Here’s an excerpt from Hoxx’s privacy policy: “By using the Services, You acknowledge, consent and agree that we may collect, process, and use the information that you provide to us and that such information shall only be used by third parties or us…” Most users will just click on Agree and Continue without interrogating what they’re consenting to, thus giving the provider express rights to obtain and use their data. Will a free VPN work for Android phones? The simple answer is yes, but it’s not the best option. Instead of providing quality services at reasonable fees, they exploit their consumers and indirectly use them to make money.